Why We Love Rotary
Paul Harris Award
Our club has been blessed with members and leaders that have made an impact and continue to impact our community and the world in big ways through Rotary. Our incredible member, Joe Lott exemplifies service and commitment to making this world better. Our Rotary District's District Governor Nominee (Peter Anderson) recognized Joe Lott as a member of Rotary's prestigious Paul Harris Society.  The Paul Harris award is for sustained generous giving to the Rotary Foundation.
Club Meetings and Events

We hold regular Club meetings which feature interesting speakers such as authors and experts on topics from AI to finance. Meetings are a great way to connect with Club members while learning something new. 

Club meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month, from 12:15pm-1:15pm. We meet in-person for lunch the 2nd Thursday (check restaurant location below), and meet virtually the 4th Thursday via Zoom at this link: https://zoom.us/j/97879024569?pwd=Tzh6Y1h0YnZEVG85K2JLdE1KeEhWQT09


Visitors are welcome at Club meetings and events!

Upcoming meetings and events: